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Florida Department of Health in Nassau County Disease Control Division

Orange warning iconReport a Disease

During Normal Business Hours: 904-875-6100

After Hours/ Weekends/ Holidays: 904-813-6801

Our primary responsibility is to monitor communicable diseases listed in Chapter 64D-3 of the Florida Administrative Code and investigate outbreaks. Chapter 381 requires the report of diseases of public health significance to the Health Department. Our office consists of a highly qualified team of health personnel trained to conduct investigations and surveillance of communicable diseases.

Our Epidemiology program staff members are engaged in a wide array of activities, including:

  • Surveillance and Reporting: Monitoring and reporting communicable diseases and conditions to safeguard public health.
  • Field Investigation: Conducting thorough investigations of case and outbreak situations to control the spread of diseases.
  • Data Analysis and Distribution: Analyzing and distributing public health data through publications, presentations, and reports to inform and educate the community.
  • Hepatitis A, B, and C Counseling and Education: Providing counseling and educational services to prevent and manage hepatitis infections.
  • Lead Poisoning Prevention Services: Offering screening, surveillance, and case management to prevent and control lead poisoning.
  • Perinatal Hepatitis B Services: Conducting screening, surveillance, and case management to prevent hepatitis B transmission from mother to child.
  • Community Outreach Health Education Activities: Engaging with the community through outreach programs to educate and promote public health.

For more information see Disease Reporting Information for Health Care Providers and Laboratories.