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It's a New Day in Public Health.

The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.

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Infectious Disease Services

Florida Department of Health in Nassau County Disease Control Division

The Disease Control Division provides comprehensive information, testing, education, and treatment for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), HIV, tuberculosis (TB), and other reportable diseases. Our mission is to prevent and control the spread of communicable diseases, ensuring a healthy community.

Epidemiology/Disease Surveillance & Investigation

Monitoring and investigating disease outbreaks to protect public health. We utilize data analysis and field research to track the spread of diseases and implement control measures swiftly.

Tuberculosis (TB)

Providing testing, treatment, and education to prevent the spread of tuberculosis. Our TB control program also focuses on identifying high-risk populations and offering tailored support services.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)

Offering testing, treatment, and educational resources for sexually transmitted diseases. We also provide counseling and preventative education to reduce the incidence of STDs in the community.


Educating the community and providing resources to prevent and treat HIV/AIDS. Our outreach programs focus on high-risk populations and aim to reduce stigma and improve access to care.


Offering testing, vaccination, and education to prevent and manage hepatitis. We emphasize early detection and linkage to care to improve health outcomes for those affected by hepatitis.

Childhood and Adult Immunizations

Administering vaccines to protect individuals of all ages from preventable diseases. We also conduct community outreach to increase vaccination rates and educate the public about the importance of immunizations.